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Medieval Songs English Version

Davide Gorga

Titolo:Medieval Songs English Version
Autore:Davide Gorga
Collana:Collana "I Gelsi" - I libri di Poesia e Narrativa
Prezzo:Euro 12,00

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Poetries and “canvas” painted at twilight, the time for meditation.
Reading these compositions requires silence, peace, and the disposition to open mind and soul to accept what we’ll receive without reserves. Acceptance, with the lucid serenity of the wise, is therefore the key attitude for reading these poems. While we read, a flow of images, fleeting as memories, arises in front of us; visions, sometimes difficult to interpret, as confused and undefined as dreams can be. And yet, within this tangle of reveries we perceive something else; a dark silhouette, a guide, an orchestra conductor that evokes the visions; a voice that whispers “Fear not. Let it be, ’cause all is well. Now, look…”

It is what the poet does. In each composition he places himself in front of his soul’s mirror and observes, with an open mind, ready to receive what he’ll be shown. He opens his soul and his own time appears to him; memories, emotions, hopes, illusions, pain, solitude, happiness.

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